Problem 1: Vending Machine (200pts)
Create a class called VendingMachine
that represents a vending machine for some product. A VendingMachine
object returns strings describing its interactions.
Fill in the VendingMachine
class, adding attributes and methods as appropriate, such that its behavior matches the following doctests:
class VendingMachine:
"""A vending machine that vends some product for some price.
>>> v = VendingMachine('candy', 10)
>>> v.vend()
'Machine is out of stock.'
>>> v.add_funds(15)
'Machine is out of stock. Here is your $15.'
>>> v.restock(2)
'Current candy stock: 2'
>>> v.vend()
'You must add $10 more funds.'
>>> v.add_funds(7)
'Current balance: $7'
>>> v.vend()
'You must add $3 more funds.'
>>> v.add_funds(5)
'Current balance: $12'
>>> v.vend()
'Here is your candy and $2 change.'
>>> v.add_funds(10)
'Current balance: $10'
>>> v.vend()
'Here is your candy.'
>>> v.add_funds(15)
'Machine is out of stock. Here is your $15.'
>>> w = VendingMachine('soda', 2)
>>> w.restock(3)
'Current soda stock: 3'
>>> w.restock(3)
'Current soda stock: 6'
>>> w.add_funds(2)
'Current balance: $2'
>>> w.vend()
'Here is your soda.'
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
You may find Python string formatting syntax or f-strings useful. A quick example:
>>> ten, twenty, thirty = 10, 'twenty', [30] >>> '{0} plus {1} is {2}'.format(ten, twenty, thirty) '10 plus twenty is [30]' >>> feeling = 'love' >>> course = 61 >>> f'I {feeling} {course}A!' 'I love 61A!'