Please download lab materials from our QQ group if you don't have one.
In this lab, you have two tasks:
- Think about what would Scheme display in section 3 and verify your answer with Ok.
- Complete the required problems described in section 4 and submit your code to our OJ website.
The starter code for these problems is provided in lab10.scm
Submission: As instructed before, you need to submit your work with Ok by python ok --submit
You may submit more than once before the deadline,
and your score of this assignment will be the highest one of all your submissions.
Readings: You might find the following references to the textbook useful:
Consult this section if you need a refresher on the material for this lab. It's okay to skip directly to the next section and refer back here when you get stuck.
In Python, we can use iterators to represent infinite sequences (for example, the generator for all natural numbers). However, Scheme does not support iterators.
Let’s see what happens when we try to use a Scheme list to represent an infinite sequence of natural numbers:
scm> (define (naturals n)
(cons n (naturals (+ n 1))))
scm> (naturals 0)
Error: maximum recursion depth exceeded
Because cons
is a regular procedure and both its operands must be evaluted before the pair is constructed, we cannot create an infinite sequence of integers using a Scheme list. Instead, our Scheme interpreter supports streams, which are lazy Scheme lists. The first element is represented explicitly, but the rest of the stream’s elements are computed only when needed. Computing a value only when it’s needed is also known as lazy evaluation.
scm> (define (naturals n)
(cons-stream n (naturals (+ n 1))))
scm> (define nat (naturals 0))
scm> (car nat)
scm> (cdr nat)
#[promise (not forced)]
scm> (car (cdr-stream nat))
scm> (car (cdr-stream (cdr-stream nat)))
We use the special form cons-stream
to create a stream:
(cons-stream <operand1> <operand2>)
is a special form because the second operand is not evaluated when evaluating the expression. To evaluate this expression, Scheme does the following:
- Evaluate the first operand.
- Construct a promise containing the second operand.
- Return a pair containing the value of the first operand and the promise.
To actually get the rest of the stream, we must call cdr-stream
on it to force the promise to be evaluated. Note that this argument is only evaluated once and is then stored in the promise; subsequent calls to cdr-stream
returns the value without recomputing it. This allows us to efficiently work with infinite streams like the naturals example above. We can see this in action by using a non-pure function to compute the rest of the stream:
scm> (define (compute-rest n)
(print 'evaluating!)
(cons-stream n nil))
scm> (define s (cons-stream 0 (compute-rest 1)))
scm> (car (cdr-stream s))
scm> (car (cdr-stream s))
Here, the expression (compute-rest 1)
is only evaluated the first time cdr-stream
is called, so the symbol evaluating!
is only printed the first time.
When displaying a stream, the first element of the stream and the promise are displayed separated by a dot (this indicates that they are part of the same pair, with the promise as the cdr
). If the value in the promise has not been evaluated by calling cdr-stream
, we consider it to be not forced. Otherwise, we consider it forced.
scm> (define s (cons-stream 1 nil))
scm> s
(1 . #[promise (not forced)])
scm> (cdr-stream s) ; nil
scm> s
(1 . #[promise (forced)])
Streams are very similar to Scheme lists in that they are also recursive structures. Just like the cdr
of a Scheme list is either another Scheme list or nil
, the cdr-stream
of a stream is either a stream or nil
. The difference is that whereas both arguments to cons
are evaluated upon calling cons
, the second argument to cons-stream
isn’t evaluated until the first time that cdr-stream
is called.
Here’s a summary of what we just went over:
is the empty streamcons-stream
constructs a stream containing the value of the first operand and a promise to evaluate the second operandcar
returns the first element of the streamcdr-stream
computes and returns the rest of stream
What Would Scheme Display?
As you work through these problems, remember that streams have two important components:
- Lazy evaluation – so the remainder of the stream isn’t computed until explicitly requested.
- Memoization – so anything we compute won’t be recomputed.
The examples here stretch these concepts to the limit. In most practical use cases, you may find you rarely need to redefine functions that compute the remainder of the stream.
Use Ok to unlock the following "What would Scheme print?" questions:
$ python ok -q wwsd -u
scm> (define (has-even? s)
(cond ((null? s) #f)
((even? (car s)) #t)
(else (has-even? (cdr-stream s)))))
scm> (define (f x) (* 3 x))
scm> (define nums (cons-stream 1 (cons-stream (f 3) (cons-stream (f 5) nil))))
scm> nums
scm> (cdr nums)
scm> (cdr-stream nums)
scm> nums
scm> (define (f x) (* 2 x))
scm> (cdr-stream nums)
scm> (cdr-stream (cdr-stream nums))
scm> (has-even? nums)
Required Problems
In this section, you are required to complete the problems below and submit your code to OJ website as instructed in lab00 to get your answer scored.
Remember, you can use ok
to test your code:
$ python ok # test functions
$ python ok -q <function> # test single function
Problem 1: Fix the Bug II (100pts)
Write a procedure filter-stream
, which takes a predicate f
and a stream s
, and returns a new stream containing only elements of the stream that satisfy the predicate. The output should contain the elements in the same order that they appeared in the original stream. You can assume there are as least one element satisfies f
if s
is an infinite stream.
Look at the following implementation of filter-stream
, what's wrong with it?
Note: We do NOT provide ok tests for this problem, but you can write your own tests in tests/
(define (filter-stream f s)
(if (null? s) nil
(let ((rest (filter-stream f (cdr-stream s))))
(if (f (car s))
(cons-stream (car s) rest)
Problem 2: Slice (100 pts)
Write a function slice
which takes in a stream s
, a non-negtive integer start
, and a non-negtive integer end
. It should return a Scheme list that contains the elements of s
between index start
and end
, not including end. If the stream ends before end
, you can return the whole part after start
; if the stream ends before start
, return nil
. You can assume end
may not less than start
(define (slice s start end)
;;; Tests
; scm> (define nat (naturals 0)) ; See naturals procedure defined earlier
; nat
; scm> (slice nat 4 12)
; (4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)
; scm> (define a (cons-stream 1 (cons-stream 2 nil)))
; a
; scm> (slice a 1 114514)
; (2)
Problem 3: Make Some Streams (300pts in total)
Since streams only evaluate the next element when they are needed, we can combine infinite streams together for interesting results! Use it to define a few of our favorite sequences. We’ve defined the function combine-with
for you below, as well as an example of how to use it to define the stream of even numbers.
(define (combine-with f xs ys)
(if (or (null? xs) (null? ys))
(f (car xs) (car ys))
(combine-with f (cdr-stream xs) (cdr-stream ys)))))
scm> (define evens (combine-with + (naturals 0) (naturals 0)))
scm> (slice evens 0 10)
(0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18)
For these problems, you may use the naturals
stream in addition to combine-with
. We highly recommend you do not define any other helper functions. Such problems are likely to appear on final exam.
Problem 3.1: Factorials (100 pts)
For this problem, you may use the naturals
stream in addition to combine-with
defined above. We highly recommend you do not define any other helper functions. Such problems are likely to appear on final exam.
Write factorials
, which is a stream where the n
th term represents $n!$.
(define factorials
;;; Tests
; scm> (slice factorials 0 10)
; (1 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880)
Problem 3.2: Fibonacci (100 pts)
For this problem, you may use the naturals
stream in addition to combine-with
defined above. We highly recommend you do not define any other helper functions. Such problems are likely to appear on final exam.
Write fibs
, which is a stream where the n
th term represents the n
th Fibonacci number.
(define fibs
;;; Tests
; scm> (slice fibs 0 10)
; (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)
Problem 3.3: Exp (100 pts)
For this problem, you may use the naturals
, combine-with
, factorials
defined above and built-in function expt
. We highly recommend you do not define any other helper functions. Such problems are likely to appear on final exam.
Write function exp
, which returns a stream where the n
th term represents the degree-n polynomial expantion for \( e^x \), which is \( \sum\limits_{i=0}^n{{x^i} \over {i!}} \).
(define (exp x)
;;; Tests
; scm> (slice (exp 2) 0 5)
; (1 3 5 6.333333333 7)
Problem 4: Non Decreasing (100 pts)
Define a function nondecrease
, which takes in a scheme stream of numbers and outputs a stream of lists, which overall has the same numbers in the same order, but grouped into lists that are non-decreasing.
For example, if the input is a stream containing elements
(1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 4 3 2 1)
the output should contain elements
((1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4) (1 1 1 2) (1 1) (0 4) (3) (2) (1))
Your solution may handle infinite streams correctly, which means if an infinite streams is always non-decreasing after the n
th element, and from the 0
th to the n - 1
th element can group to m
non-decreasing sublists, your solution can output the first m
sublists correctly.
(define (nondecrease s)
;;; Tests
; scm> (define s (list-to-stream '(1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 4 3 2 1))) ; a helper function to make stream from list
; s
; scm> (slice (nondecrease s) 0 8)
; ((1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4) (1 1 1 2) (1 1) (0 4) (3) (2) (1))
Just for fun Problems
This section is out of scope for our course, so the problems below is optional. That is, the problems in this section don't count for your final score and don't have any deadline. Do it at any time if you want an extra challenge!
To check the correctness of your answer, you can submit your code to ok.
Problem 5: My cons-stream
(optional, 0pts)
Define my-cons-stream
, which returns a pair of elements, where the second element is not evaluated until my-cdr-stream
is called on it. Also define the procedure my-car
and my-cdr-stream
, which take in a stream returned by my-cons-stream
and return the first element and the result of evaluating the second element in the stream pair, respectively.
Unlike the streams we’ve seen in lecture, if you repeatedly call my-cdr-stream
on a stream returned by my-cons-stream
, you may evaluate an expression multiple times.
(define (my-cons-stream first second) ; Does this line need to be changed?
(define (my-car stream)
(define (my-cdr-stream stream)
;;; Tests
; scm> (define a (my-cons-stream 1 (my-cons-stream (print 2) nil)))
; a
; scm> (my-car a)
; 1
; scm> (define b (my-cdr-stream a))
; 2
; b
; scm> (define c (my-cdr-stream a))
; 2
; c
; scm> (my-cdr-stream b)
; ()
Problem 6: Primes (optional, 0pts)
We can even represent the sequence of all prime numbers as an infinite stream! Define a function sieve
, which takes in a stream of increasing numbers and returns a stream containing only those numbers which are not multiples of an earlier number in the stream. We can define primes
by sifting all natural numbers starting at 2. Look online for the Sieve of Eratosthenes if you need some inspiration.
Hint: You might find using filter-stream
as defined earlier helpful.
(define (sieve s)
(define primes (sieve (naturals 2)))
;;; Tests
; scm> (slice primes 0 10)
; (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29)